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Sedation Dentistry Patient Referrals – Henderson, NV

Send Your Patient to a Certified Sedation Dentist

We are happy to help your patients get the treatment they need under sedation, and we appreciate your referral. We want your patient to receive the best possible care, which is why we’re happy to perform the specific treatment you recommend and return them to your care upon completion or assume their care from here on out.

Making the Referral

You have 3 options to make the referral (use as many as you wish; please include most recent X-rays):

1. Call 702-850-7542

Make the appointment for your patient, provide all necessary information, and we will email or text the patient a link to our digital paperwork.

2. EMAIL Referral Form

We will contact your patient to schedule after receipt of this form.

3. PRINT Referral Form

Your patient will call us to schedule. We can email or text the forms to the patient to fill out on their computer or device. Please either print our paperwork for the patient to bring or refer them to our website to fill out the forms themselves.

Map to Our Dental Office

Print the map below and share with your patient so they are able to find their way to our dental office!

Map to Dental Office


If you have recent diagnostic-quality radiographs available, please email them and the date each was taken to Please put "REGARDING (patient's initials)" in the subject line and include the first initial and full last name of the patient in the text of the email.

Once again, thank you for your referral! We are very grateful for your trust in us.